Thursday, September 29, 2022

A Look at Natural Sources of Energy

Wherever there is motion in nature there exists a source of renewable energy. Air (wind), water (rivers, oceans), and light (sun rays) are all souces of energy. Harnessing this energy, while free and abundant, requires expensive infrastructure such as turbines, solar arrays, and dams. Additionally, dynamos are needed to convert these energy sources into electricity. These devices create electricity by rotating magnets (rotors) through a strong magnetic field. The rotors are moved by any of the energy sources cited above. The electricity is then routed through wires to wherever it is needed. Wind and water are probably the most efficient sources of energy. Turbines capture the energy of: wind or streams from dams. Either of these can move the rotors that generate electricity. Ocean energy in the form of tides and waves is especially abundant, but used the least. More research is needed on how to capture wave energy. Another little used abundant energy source is geothermal, the internal heat source within the earth. Non-renewable enegy sources are contributing to global warming. Some may argue that implementing renwable energy is too expensive, but the dangerous impact of using combustables like coal and oil on climate change far exceedes this cost. Now is the best time to fund research on how to effiiently implement renewable energy sources before it is too late.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

What Motivated the Killing of Children at Sandy Hook?

The killer responsible for the Sandy Hook massacre was a former student. He was removed from this school and placed on homebound instruction due to his aberrant behavior. At the age of 20 he returned to this school and murdered many students and staff. I believe that if the school took action to help this student rather than expel him the outcome would have been far different. Apparently, Sandy Hook had no onsite mental health services to treat this troubled child. While counseling services have traditionally been offered at most Middle and High School levels, nothing was provded in most elementary schools at the time. Most elementary school children do not respond well to talk therapy as is common in counseling programs in middle and high schools. Play therapy is preferred as this is how young children readily express their feelings. This treatment can be provided individually or in small groups of students. The goal is to help acting out children to express their anger in socially acceptable ways. Withdrwn children are encouraged to express their feelings in an environment they percieved as safe and accepting. Play therapy counselers require special training. They must be tolerant of noise and play activity of young children. Behavior limits are imposed only when a child's safety is at risk. Counseling services should be provided to parents as well. Finally, schools must be supportive of a play therapy program. This means providing a special room along with various play items that appeal to young children.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Elementary Schools Need More Guidance Programs

Guidance programs are common in most middle and high schools. Many districts, except the well endowed, have no services at the elementary level. This is unfortunate as emotional problems often begin in children below the age of 11. Programs aimed at thwarting emotional problems from progressing work best when services are started as early as pre-school or kindergarten. Guidance services for elementary school children will require counselors skilled in play therapy as play is how young children best express their feelings. Play therapy can be provided individually or for groups of two or more chilren. Unfortunately, college training programs for these counselors has been sparse or non-existant, eventough play therapy requires more complicated preparation than that of "talk" counseling. Too often, emotionally disturbed elementary school children have been placed in homebound programs. This seemingly solves the problem for the school, but adds to the social isolation of the child and and increases their turmrmoi. Note: Mr Abate, now retired, worked for many years as a school psychologist administering play therapy to K-5 children and counseling their parents.